Sunday, March 14, 2010

15mm British Napoleonic

Yet another scale for my Napoleonics! I already have a lot of 15mm French that I bought cheap at a show many years ago. So I am tempted to touch them up. As a test I've painted up these British.
Obviously, still needs the flags added but otherwise finished.

The Vikings are coming!

These are the first of my Wargames Factory Vikings.
 These are the Wargames Factory sampler pack. I actually bought quite a few packs.

What do I think of them? Well, quite good actually. There were a few problems, I had to hack the arm of the archer and fill the gaps and I am not sure I like the possing of some. Maybe I picked the wrong arms (there are loads on ther sprue) but the wide armed stance seems to be a bit much.


Most modellers will tell you how important a good workstation is. Unfortunately, I don't have one. In fact, as we are very limited for space, my whole painting station is portable. Almost all my tools and equipment is stored in a tool box hidden behind the fridge and brought out when I get the chance to paint!
This is my toolbox, in it are all my tools and a good selection of paints. I do have many other paint and transfer them into my toolbox depending upon the project(s) I am currently working on.
In this shot you can see my workstation fully depolyed! The white board to the right is a breadboard on which I place my current project(s). This is then placed on top of the toolbox for storage. BTW the figures in this shot are my Vikings being painted.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Marauders of Chaos

Finally got round to finishing my GW Marauders. These have been hanging around in a box almost finished for at least 18 months!