Wednesday, November 30, 2022


Work in progress on my Cathaginian 15mm army. Bases are 40mm x 30mm for Infantry and Cavalry, 40mm x 40mm for Skirmishers and 40mm x 50mm for Elephants.
Equites (need Shields)

Hastati (4 more bases awaiting shields)

Allied (needs basing)

Allied (needs basing)



 Work in progress on my Cathaginian 15mm army. Bases are 40mm x 30mm for Infantry and Cavalry, 40mm x 40mm for Skirmishers and 40mm x 50mm for Elephants.


Balearic Slingers

Elephants (almost finished, just needs touching up)

Spear Armed Skirmishers (need basing and shields finishing)

Bow Armed Skirmishers (need basing and shields finishing)

Generals (needs basing)

Spears (needs basing)


Celt Cavalry (needs bases finishing and touching up)
Celtic Infantry (needs basing and shields finishing)