Sunday, August 3, 2008


Games Workshop figures for Warhammer.

All these figures are mounted on Games Workshop 20mm (unless otherwize noted) bases with magnetic strips on the bottom. The movement trays have green steel pager on them to hold the figures in place.


12 Dwarf Warriors

These are straight from the Skull Pass boxed set.

Dogs of War

20 Cursed Company

These are the Cursed Company bulked out with a few 'normal' skeletons. I left the bannor blank as it looked suitably undead (its also easier to paint!). All the weapons and armour are dry brushed with 'rust' to make the unit look as if its dropping to bits. The shields are old smooth plastic ones with transfers added and 'hacked up' with the clippers.


20 Goblin Bow

These are actually not the latest version Night Goblins but the first boxed set that came out. The leader, musician and standard bearer are all from the Skull Pass box.


15 Gors

16 Ungors

I had intended converting a Standard Bearer and Musician for this unit but have not got round to it yet. If you look carefully you can see a few Ungors armed with hand weapons and shields. I prefer the to make the unit look like its not uniformly armed although treat it as spear.

Savage Orcs

20 Savage Orcs

These old style Savage Orcs are some of my earliest GW models. I prefer this style to the newer ones GW have released. The warpaint is based on pictures in an early White Dwarf (sorry can't remember which one). They are armed with a mixture of weapons (including bows) and mounted on 25mm bases with magnets on the bottom.

The Boss at the right is also an early model but with a new style shield. He's obviously not a Savage Orc!

American Civil War

All these figures are 15mm, based for Fire and Fury.


Union general leads his troops into battle with artillery support on the hill. Infantry figures are by Museum Miniatures while the general and artillery are Peter Pig.
The Union battle line. Figures as above.


A Cavarly column passes two Confederate Brigades. All Museum Miniatures.


Late Saxons

These are my late period Saxons.

All this page was imported from my old web site so the pictures need updating to allow them to enlarge.

View of Centre

View of Armies Right (note javlin armed skirmishers)

All these figures are mounted on Games Workshop 20mm (unless otherwize noted) bases with magnetic strips on the bottom. The movement trays have green steel pager on them to hold the figures in place.

They were painted with flat colours then Army Dip (from Warlord Games) PAINTED onto everything apart from flesh (which is GW elf flash with Flesh wash and a final highlight of elf flesh). A final coat of Army Painter Dull tone took the shine off.


Harold (Cyning) in conversation with his advisors

I plan to count this as one model.

Army Standard Bearer

Again count this as one model.


16 Huscarls

The larger than needed movement tray is to allow an extra 4 Huscarls to be added. I've given them a blue theme (probably too much but it does help to identify them!).

1st mixed unit of 10 Thegns and 20 Ceorls

Once again a much larger than needed movement tray to allow for further troops and a (slight) change of formation.

2nd mixed unit of 10 Thegns and 20 Ceorls

Early Saxons

These 20 early Saxons have the smaller buckler shield. In fact their are actually 21 figs in the picture but one (front right) is actually a Pict! The shields are actually pinned on with a touch of blu tac around the pin. That way I can replace the shield with larger one if I want to represent a later unit.

9 Mounted Thegns

These are Crusader Miniatures. I added them to give the army a bit of mobility.

22 Gebur Slingers

Not sure who made these figures, found them at the bottom of my figures box. Since I figured they would be the poorest of the poor have tried to give them a ragged appearence. Based on 25mm bases.

5 Gebur Bowmen

I painted these while 'on a roll' although they are not that brilliant figures (ugly faces on two of em) and yes the guy on the left is armed with a sling!

11 Gebur Javelin armed skirmishers

Same source as the slingers. The javelins are wire with hammered heads.

6 Geburs Spear

Spear armed Geburs for the bottom of the box again. There are more of these but I've mislaid them!

Celt figures

Here are the first pictures of my new Celts. These are the Warlord plastics, painted using their Magic Dip.


16 Slingers
2 Druids and an 'Old Crone'


Welcome to my Blog
I intend to use this blog to chat mainly about my hobby of Miniature Wargaming but expect quite a few other things to creap in as well.

I've got a lot of things to add including:
  • WWII 28mm
  • GW Lord of the Rings
  • 28mm Flash Gordon
  • 28mm Normans
  • GW Fantasy
  • Lots more 15mm ACW
  • Soviet and German 15mm Flames of War

More to follow!