Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Fantasy Chaos

I think these have now split into two groups, Beastmen and Chaos but they were all one when I got them so...
Are these still called Gors?



Chaos Warriors

Fantasy Undead

Next up the undead.
All GW apart from the Ghouls, which are Mantic.

Mixed undead



Fantasy Dwarves

A quick post of my fantasy (mostly GW) figures.
First up the Dwarves.


Great Axes




Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Loads of skirmishers including a unit (at the front) armed with bows, based for Dux Bellorum.


Awaiting basing Picts!
Still on the old style (at least for me!) square bases, these Picts (Gripping Beast).
Once on their new 1p's it will be easy to use them as Shieldwall or Warrior (for Dux Bellorum) depending on what I want to do.
As they stand they are enough for one shieldwall unit (remove the rear rank) or two warriors.


I use these figures to represent the Leadership points used in Dux Bellorum.
Various characters
The chaps on the base are only on it for ease of moving it is not a formation.

Saxon Shieldwall

Again, these could be used for quite a few different armies.
A Saxon Shieldwall unit
These are based for Dux Bellorum (16cm wide unit frontage). Since they are on 1p's held in place with magnets it would be easy to switch them out to a more open base style to represent other units.

Gripping Beast figures.

Both Shieldwall units

Dark Age Cavalry

For now this is all my early Dark Age cavalry which is painted.
Suspiciously regimented Dark Age cavalry
The bases need changing to my new style of cavalry base but are serviceable for now. The new style uses four 2p's (more to follow).
These chaps are armoured (for the most part).
I need to get the unarmoured figures I've got painted up to support them.

Religious Stuff

Dux Bellorum has an option for 'Religious Stuff', Monks!
These are work in progress of my two bases for the 'Monks' option in Dux. One is a Pagan scene, with sacrificial sheep and the other a travelling cart with priest for the more Christian themed armies. The Christian bases is the correct size for Dux but the Pagan one is, obviously, far to short and will need some sort of house rule.
The figures are all Irregular Miniatures.

Saxon Warriors

To be honest, these would probably work for any dark age warriors.
Saxon Warriors
The front unit are Noble Warriors, as indicated by the heavier armour they are wearing. The rear two units are straight forward Warriors with only helmets and Shields.

Once again these are based for Dux Bellorum but this time on Warbases irregular shaped bases to reflect the fact that in Dux these guys fight in a much looser formation. The overall frontage is around 16cm so it fits in nicely with the Shieldwall units. These are Gripping Beast figures.

Romano British Infantry

Finally got round to posting my Romano British Infantry
Romano British Infantry

They are based for Dux Bellorum. Well, my version of Dux Bellorum. I've doubled the size of the standard base (as suggested as an option in the rules) and added one so each infantry unit is 16cm wide. This gives the slightly odd number of seven figures wide but allows my cavalry to have six figures across each base.
Each figure is based on a 1p piece and fits into a WarBases base. The figures are, of course, Gripping Beast.
Here you can see two shieldwall units.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Mud-Brick House

I've just spent ages making my own desert buildings in 28mm (pictures to follow) when I spotted this fantastic kit on Model Dads youtube channel. Model Dad's, btw is just about the best, most professional video reviewer going, imho that is! If you've not seen his video's I urge you to do so.
Needless to say I'll be getting at least one of these as soon as they come out.

Monday, March 17, 2014

ACW game

Looking over the Union lines with the Confederates in the distance
Andy and I played a game of Regimental Fire & Fury on Saturday. The scenario was Little Round Top with the Confederates making good progress before we had to finish just as the Confederate attack on the Little Round Top was in the balance. One Union regiment held off the attack despite having taken a lot of losses and being disordered.
The brave 20ME hold off the attack
However, there were plenty more Confederates to push in while the Union had to rush reinforcements around the Top. 
Both of us agree it was a great game.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Afrika Korps

Finished my Afrika Korp Platoon. These are the  Perry Miniatures plastic box set (well two boxes actually, see later). I've organised them for Chain of Command using the latest list published here.
The list is for the Motorised Infantry supporting the 5th Leichte Division and 15th Panzer. As such each squad has two MG34's, which should make life very interesting for the 8th army platoon! The basing makes heavy use of our Kittens cat litter (thanks Puddin).
Afrika Korps Schutzen Platoon
HQ with added assets
The Platoon is composed of three squads and a Leutnant although I have added to the HQ section a 5cm Mortar, a Panzerbuchse 38/39 (Anti Tank rifle) and Forward Observers fort the 81mm mortar battery (the guy with the radio and the guy on the other side with the binoculars).

Typical Squad (ignore guy sneaking into shot on  left)
Each squad has an Obergefreiter (with SMG) and two teams each with a MG34 and riflemen (one has three the other four).

The Perry box set has the organisation for a Infantry Platoon which should be easy to create by dropping the second MG34 and adding extra riflemen.

The terrain is a felt sheet painted with cheap acrylic paint in a sort of random pattern. The oil drum is from the old GW WH40K terrain accessory set.

The extra box
Why did I get an extra box? Well, as well as giving me more options to field for the AK platoon, I think that the figures wearing the early tropical uniforms (with the baggy trousers) will do for AVBCW BUF! I'm not going to use the back packs, obviously.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

English Civil War Game
Over the xmas holidays Andy Bailey and I played an ECW game using Pike and Shotte from Warlord Games.

Andy's wargame's room is in the top floor of a barn and features realistic water effects, ie the roof leaks! On a huge table (12' by 6' (est)) we each had four regiments of pike and shotte, two cavalry regiments and two artillery pieces.
The game started well for the Royalist cause (me) with my large blue coat regiment advancing rapidly in the center, supported by the green reg while my left flank cavalry charged round Parliaments right flank and hit his regiments before they could deploy.
Unfortunately, the Parliament left cavalry did the same to the Royalist right and the game settled down to a huge firefight in the center. Eventually, Parliament started to get the better of the fight and the Royalist army withdrew in good order.
We agreed on a Tactical victory to Pariament! Booo Hiss (as far as I can remember that is).

Click here for more photos and a roughly chronological order.