Monday, August 3, 2009

Perry Miniatures

French Napoleonic Infantry with Voltigures out front
Although, I don't have any other 28mm Napoleonic figures I could not resist buying the new Perry hard plastic miniatures. I've only painted up a few of them but like how they came out. I'm thinking of using Two Fat Lardies Sharpe Practice rules when I've a few more finished.

View of bases
I've not used the Perry bases because I want the option to use my figures in a skirmish game. Instead I've glued each figure to a metal washer then made a card base, covered it with magnetic sheet and painted / flocked it. Now I can remove the figures easily.

British Infantry Skirmishing (ie no base)
These are the Perry British Infantry with the extra two riflemen from Wargames Illustrated.
Infantry on base

English Civil War
I also bought a box of the ECW parliament figures and have painted up four pike and four shot (as you can see). All are on washers so I can mount them later.

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