Thursday, January 23, 2014

English Civil War Game
Over the xmas holidays Andy Bailey and I played an ECW game using Pike and Shotte from Warlord Games.

Andy's wargame's room is in the top floor of a barn and features realistic water effects, ie the roof leaks! On a huge table (12' by 6' (est)) we each had four regiments of pike and shotte, two cavalry regiments and two artillery pieces.
The game started well for the Royalist cause (me) with my large blue coat regiment advancing rapidly in the center, supported by the green reg while my left flank cavalry charged round Parliaments right flank and hit his regiments before they could deploy.
Unfortunately, the Parliament left cavalry did the same to the Royalist right and the game settled down to a huge firefight in the center. Eventually, Parliament started to get the better of the fight and the Royalist army withdrew in good order.
We agreed on a Tactical victory to Pariament! Booo Hiss (as far as I can remember that is).

Click here for more photos and a roughly chronological order.