Finished my Afrika Korp Platoon. These are the Perry Miniatures plastic box set (well two boxes actually, see later). I've organised them for
Chain of Command using the latest list published
The list is for the Motorised Infantry supporting the 5th Leichte Division and 15th Panzer. As such each squad has two MG34's, which should make life very interesting for the 8th army platoon! The basing makes heavy use of our Kittens cat litter (thanks Puddin).
Afrika Korps Schutzen Platoon |
HQ with added assets |
The Platoon is composed of three squads and a Leutnant although I have added to the HQ section a 5cm Mortar, a Panzerbuchse 38/39 (Anti Tank rifle) and Forward Observers fort the 81mm mortar battery (the guy with the radio and the guy on the other side with the binoculars).
Typical Squad (ignore guy sneaking into shot on left) |
Each squad has an Obergefreiter (with SMG) and two teams each with a MG34 and riflemen (one has three the other four).
The Perry box set has the organisation for a Infantry Platoon which should be easy to create by dropping the second MG34 and adding extra riflemen.
The terrain is a felt sheet painted with cheap acrylic paint in a sort of random pattern. The oil drum is from the old GW WH40K terrain accessory set.
The extra box
Why did I get an extra box? Well, as well as giving me more options to field for the AK platoon, I think that the figures wearing the early tropical uniforms (with the baggy trousers) will do for AVBCW BUF! I'm not going to use the back packs, obviously.