28mm British figures mounted for Rules of Engagement www.greatescapegames.co.uk
All figures from Great Escape Games.
I started collecting these figures when the game authors ran a demo game at UK games Expo 08. I had a bast and even won (good sales tactics?)! I bought a British Infantry pack and a German Pack and started painting straight away.
You might notice some none standard bases. Well I thought I'd help new players to identify different weapons so my SMG's are on hexagon bases. My sniper and medic on oval, large rectangle for my LMG teams and large round for my heavy weapons.
I then base them (usually on 2p's), cover up to the base with Basetex from Standard Paints and paint them green. I then cover random areas with white glue and dip them in a mixure of builders sand and gravel. Finally, I cover the rest with static grass.
All these figures were painted with flat colours. The flesh areas then had GW flesh wash (no longer available) washed on. A final dry brush of GW elf flesh finish them.
After that I use Warlord Games, Army Dip (strong) but paint it on. I can't bring myself to dip em and it also saves a lot of the expensive stuff.
After basing I spray them with Army Painter Anti Shine (also from Warlords Games).
To follow.....